Year: 2024

  • A Guide on how to become Superintendent of Taxes

    A Guide on how to become Superintendent of Taxes

    Becoming the Superintendent of Taxes Assam is one of the most prestigious positions in the state government. In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam , one must be able to understand the significance of this particular role and position. One of the most highly sought after jobs, the superintendent of taxes is significantly responsible with multiple duties and responsibilities, primarily of which is the sole focus of the efficient handling of taxes.

    Much like other Indian states, The tax administration in Assam too , works as one of the most important and crucial sectors of the government that ultimately works to serve as one of the key fundamental components of the overall financial governance system. The smooth and efficient taxation process undergoes different stages of administration processes that are catered by different financial management and legal procedures, all of which are managed under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of taxes Assam.

    How to become a Superintendent of Taxes Assam ?

    In order to become superintendent of Taxes Assam, a candidate must appear for Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Examination. A candidate must be able to demonstrate their competence and knowledge in this extremely challenging and competitive exam if they wish to become superintendent of taxes Assam.

    What are the qualifications required to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

    In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam, or a tax officer, one must have the necessary education qualifications.

    In order to appear for the Assam Public Service Commission ( APSC) examination, one must at least hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university. There are no restrictions or limitations with the subject preference or background.

    What is the age limit to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

    According to the rules prescribed by APSC guidelines, the age limit for superintendent of taxes recruitment normally ranges between 21 to 38 years of age.

    However, for candidates who belong to the SC/ ST category, the age limit to become superintendent of taxes recruitment normally has a minimum relaxation of 7 years. That is, the upper age limit is 43 years of age.

    And for candidates belonging to the OBC / MOBC category, the age limit is 41 years of age.

    What is the recruitment process to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

    The basic recruitment process of Superintendent of taxes begins from the APSC examination. The Assam Public Service Commission is one of the most reputed constitutional bodies that conducts examinations for various state level government positions which also includes the high ranking administrative roles such as the Assam Civil Service ( ACS) and the Superintendent of Taxes.

    The recruitment process occurs in multiple stages:

    1. Notification and Application Process

    The APSC board issues a notification about the commencement of application processes along with the total number of vacancies available so as to ensure the candidates are aware of the posts available in which they wish to apply. This notification is usually published in the official website and also among the reputed newspapers.

    1. Preliminary Examination

    This is where the official recruitment procedure begins. The preliminary exam is the first stage where candidates have to appear for a written examination also known as Combined Competitive Examination ( CCE).

    This Exam Includes

    • General Studies Paper 1: this paper consists of a wide ranging syllabus of different subjects together such as history, geography, polity, economics, general science and environmental issues. This paper tests the candidates assessment capabilities and their overall awareness and knowledge of all subjects.
    • General Studies Paper 2: this paper, which is also referred to as the Civil Services Aptitude Test ( CSAT) tests the candidates skills of logical reasoning, analytical thinking , quantitative analysis and measurements , communication skills, decision making and problem solving and management abilities, etc.

    For Prelims

    Paper NameSyllabus
    General Studies Paper 1History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Environmental Issues, General science
    General Studies Paper 2: CSATLogical Reasoning, Quantitative Analysis, Analytical Thinking, Communication and Decision Making Skills
    1. Mains Examination

    This is the second stage in order to become superintendent of taxes Assam. Candidates who successfully qualify the first stage are able to apply to the mains exam. This exam again , comprises of 2 papers

    • Essay Paper: this paper tests the candidates ability to put forth a comprehensive assessment of a thorough and well put understanding of any given topic that is asked in the paper with well articulated ideas
    • General Studies Papers: this paper again is comprised of various subjects all together so as to challenge the candidates knowledge and understanding of the subjects.

    For mains :

    Paper NameSyllabus
    Paper 1: Essaythorough and comprehensive assessment of all topics
    Papers 2 to 6: General Studies Papers I to Vhistory, polity, economics, geography of Assam, political and administrative of Assam,literature, traditions and history of Assam
    1. Interview

    The final and the most crucial stage to become a superintendent of taxes Assam comes in when the candidate gets selected for the final round of interview. This is the make or break position of a candidate that decides their future. This interview is the overall personal assessment of the candidate which gets reviewed by the board of panelists. The final ranking is based on the cumulative results of the written test and the interview all together.

    5. Join the Indian Revenue System (IRS)

    Once a candidate successfully secures the highest ever score to secure a rank in the IRS, they undergo training at the National Academy of Direct Taxes ( NADT)

    6. Career progression at IRS

    Once the training session is completed, IRS officers begin their career at the level of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (ACIT).

    7. After gaining a few years of experience as an ACIT, an officer is then promoted to the rank of Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax.

    8. The next promotion is to Joint Commissioner of Income Tax

    9. The next promotion is to Additional Commissioner of Income Tax

    10. Then,commissioner of income tax

    11. Then,chief commissioner of income tax

    12. And finally principal commissioner of income tax

    What are the responsibilities of a Superintendent of Taxes?

    In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam, one must be able to understand and comprehend the roles and responsibilities that this prestigious position carries with the job.

    The superintendent of taxes is responsible for managing and handling the enforcement of various tax laws in the state of Assam. Some of these laws include:

    • Assam Value Added Tax(VAT) Act 2003
    • Central GST Act 1956
    • The Assam Entry Tax 2008,etc

    Some of the major duties and responsibilities that comes along in order to become a superintendent of taxes Assam are

    1. Efficient Tax Collection process

    The major role of a superintendent of taxes relies on the efficient process of tax collection. There are numerous taxes that fall under the jurisdiction and supervision of the commissioner of taxes such as GST, VAT, excise duties, etc.

    2. Assessment of taxes collected

     The role of a tax officer or a superintendent of taxes doesn’t stop at the collection of taxes. They are also responsible for properly allocating, accounting and assessing these taxes procured by businesses and individuals of the state so as to make sure that these taxes are in compliance or agreement with the state and national tax laws.

    3. Tax audit and investigations

    One of the major duties that come towards one to become superintendent of taxes Assam is the ability to adapt and manage the different aspects of roles that this position requires from an individual. Apart from being in a powerful position to take charge of assessing and collecting taxes, one must also adapt to manage the audit and investigations of taxes as well.

    4. Policy and action implementation

    In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam one must be prepared to take actions and implement policies as and when required. These implementations are done in order to make sure that tax laws and regulations are being followed all across the state and strict actions are enforced against defaulters wherein punishments are given for violations and crimes with penalties, fines and other legal consequences.

    How much is the salary of Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

    As per the latest announcements, the total salary of a superintendent of taxes is ₹52,000 per month (approx.). This sum total includes a combination of basic pay and grade pay. In addition to base pay, APSC also offers other allowances that get added up to the total salary.

    The APSC Salary structure could be understood with the table below:

    Salary DetailsPay (Pay Band 4)
    Basic Pay₹42,700 (30,000 + 12,700 Grade Pay)
    Dearness Allowance (DA)₹7,259 (17% of Basic Pay)
    House Rent Allowance (HRA)₹3,414 (8% of Basic Pay)
    Medical, Travel AllowanceAs per government norms and regulations
    Approx. In-Hand Salary₹52,000


    In order to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam, one must be able to understand the significance of this post and the amount of intense preparation to obtain it.

    The superintendent of taxes Assam is one of the most respected and highly regarded position which can be achieved with the right kind of discipline and preparation.

  • How to become a Superintendent of Excise, Assam Answered!

    How to become a Superintendent of Excise, Assam Answered!

    The superintendent of excise Assam is one of the top most powerful and respected positions in the state. This prestigious position comes under the Indian Revenue Service ( IRS) which again , is more specific to the department of Customs and central excise.

    But in order to become the superintendent of excise Assam, one must be able to understand the roles of the superintendent of excise and their duties and responsibilities before setting out to prepare themselves to be a part of the department of Assam Excise.

    What are the roles and functions of the Assam Excise Department?

    In order to become superintendent of excise Assam  and a part of the Assam Excise department, one must understand the key responsibilities of this highly esteemed department of the state. The superintendent of excise is responsible to manage and supervise

    • Administration of laws concerning manufacture, production and distribution
    • Prevention of illegal activities
    • Issuing licenses
    • The implementation of tax laws
    • Carrying out the enforcement of customs and excise regulations
    • Ensuring smooth revenue collection
    • And ensuring compliance with government regulations and policies

    Excise Department of Assam : What are its Structure and Significance?

    The Assam excise department is one such functioning entity of the state that makes sure that the production of the state alcohol and drug related products are well within the state laws and regulations. The Assam Excise department is responsible to ensure the proper management and supervision of making sure that the production of such goods and products are legally controlled , simultaneously also making sure that these productions are generating proper revenue sources for the state.

    The structure of the Assam Excise Department is pretty much very similar like other government departments and agencies. The state excise department ranks of Assam are as follows :

    They follow the hierarchical structure in which the Commissioner of Excise Assam has the top most and the most powerful position.

    Just next, in the 2nd top most position is held by the Additional Commissioner of Excise Assam

    Followed by Deputy Commissioner of Excise Assam

    Followed by- Joint Commissioner of Excise Assam

    Then, followed by , Superintendent of Excise Assam, the key focus of this blog

    And finally, followed by Excise Inspector.

    What are the jurisdictions of supervision under the Superintendent of Excise Assam?

    The superintendent of Excise Assam, in general supervises and works at the district level and reports to their superiors, that is, to Deputy Commissioner of Excise or directly to the Commissioner of Excise Assam. This hierarchical structure might vary from state to state.

    The Superintendent of Excise Assam holds the most influential authority and position as the district level officer who is responsible to control and manage all excise related activities that occurs within the district.

    How to become Superintendent of Excise Assam?

    In order to become superintendent of Excise, a candidate must have the required educational qualifications to appear for the examination. The selection process for an excise officer is extensive and requires great skill and intense preparation.

    There are no specific stream requirements but a candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to appear for the exam.  However it is often advised or recommended for candidates to have a thorough background in economics, law, public administration and/ or commerce; as these subjects align with the curriculum and overall preparation that is required for the role of the Superintendent of Excise Assam.

    What is the age limit for one to become Superintendent of Excise Assam?

    In order to become Superintendent of Excise Assam a candidate must belong to the age group between 21 to 38 years of age.

    However, candidates who belong to the Scheduled Caste ( SC) , Scheduled Tribes ( ST) and OBC / MOBC categories,  the age limit gets extended into the age range from 21 to upto an appropriate 43 years of age.

    Why is Nationality important for the role of Superintendent of Excise Assam?

    All candidates wishing to apply for the post of Superintendent of Excise Assam must be an  Indian citizen. It is mandatory for candidates to have their permanent domicile in the state of Assam with valid proof and supporting evidentiary documents to prove their Indian citizenship.

    It is mandatory for candidates to have their permanent domicile in the state of Assam because they are required to be familiar with the Assamese language, the state language of Assam, the candidates must also be aware of the local and regional issues and problems that arise in the region along with the state culture, with all its uniqueness and diversity. And, most importantly, the candidates must know all the regional specific nuances of the state in order to ensure a more efficient and effective enforcement of Excise laws in Assam .

    Physical Fitness

    The Assam Public Service Commission ( APSC) has strictly specified certain specific requirements for the candidates in terms of their minimum required height, chest measurements, and fitness levels. These are mandatory requirements that all candidates are to meet in order to meet the specified physical fitness standards.

    Superintendent of Excise Assam recruitment process: APSC Selection

    The Assam Public Service Commission ( APSC) is one of the most dignified constitutional entity that conducts this examination in 3 levels.

    Written Exam

    The first stage is the preliminary stage, which comprises the written exam. All candidates must appear and get selected in this stage in order to proceed to the next stages. This exam acts as a gateway that determines the selection process for students, as it comprises of  objective based questions.

    This written preliminary examination covers a vast syllabus usually of –

    • Current Affairs
    • General knowledge
    • Reasoning
    • Aptitude

    For Prelims

    Paper NameSyllabus
    General Studies Paper 1history, geography, polity, economics, environmental issues, general science
    general studies paper 2: CSATlogical reasoning, quantitative analysis, analytical thinking, communication and decision making skills

    Mains Examination

    Candidates who qualify the preliminary round are then selected to appear for the Mains Examination. This exam however is much more advanced and thorough than the preliminary exam. Candidates are asked to provide detailed , in depth answers to the questions asked to assess their overall understanding and comprehension of the subject matter.

    The mains examination covers a vast syllabus of :

    • General Studies
    • Public Administration
    • Excise Laws

    For Mains :

    Paper NameSyllabus
    Paper 1: Essaythorough and comprehensive assessment of all topics
    Paper 2 to 5: General Studieshistory, polity, economics, geography of Assam, political and administrative of Assam,literature, traditions and history of Assam   +   Additionally   Excise laws, General Studies, Current Affairs

    Personal Interview

    The last the most crucial stage of the APSC selection is the Personal Interview round where candidates are assessed face to face with their overall in depth knowledge and experience to determine whether or not they are fit for the role they aspire for.  The final make it or break it stage where candidates realize their dreams are coming true.

    Post Selection: Training and Career Development

    After the candidates successfully secure the best grades in the APSC examination and get selected for the positions, the newly selected Superintendent of Excise Assam from various districts are to receive training to familiarize themselves with the operations of the Assam Excise department.

    This training period involves both classroom and in job training sessions to make these newly selected Superintendents adapt and prepare for their duties and new roles.

    Initial Training

    The initial Training process includes learning about

    • Excise laws and regulations
    • Enforcement techniques
    • Revenue collection
    • Revenue auditing

    Field Training

    The next step is the field training where candidates are trained about :

    • Conducting inspections
    • Prevention of smuggling
    • Managing a district excise officer

    Salary of Superintendent of Excise Assam

    The salary of the Superintendent of excise depend upon a number of different factors which all cumulate into a round figure per month

    Post NamePayment
    Superintendent of Excisepay scale of ₹30,000 + 1,10,000 grade pay + 11,500 PB -3
    Inspector of Taxespay scale of ₹22,000+97,000 grade pay +9,100 PB -3
    Inspector of Excise, Registrar( Industrial Tribunal) Research Assistant, transport survey and minorities development boardpay scale ₹22,000+ ₹97,000 Grade pay+₹9,100 PB -3

    Apart from the mentioned salary numbers they also enjoy other state government sanctioned allowances, such as:

    • General Dearness Allowance
    • House Rent and Compensatory Allowance
    • Earned leave allowance
    • Traveling allowance
    • And other related allowances and reimbursements

    The ranks are then assigned as per the seniority basis and so does their salary increases.


    In order to become superintendent of excise a candidate must prepare their way through the APSC exam and selection criteria. With the right amount of preparation and focused comprehensive training anyone can prepare for the role . With a disciplined approach and training plan anyone can crack the exam. Thus candidates must be aware of what they need to do in order to become and attempt for the role of Superintendent of Excise Assam .

  • Your To-Do List for Effective APSC Study Planning

    A well-thought-out study plan is essential for achieving success in the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam preparation process. This guide will walk you through an essential to-do list to ensure your preparation is efficient, effective, and well-rounded.


    Understand the APSC Exam Structure

    Before diving into preparation, familiarize yourself with the APSC exam structure, including the preliminary, mains, and interview stages. Understanding the syllabus for each stage is important as it allows you to focus on relevant topics.


    Set Clear Goals and Timelines

    For every study session, week, and month, establish attainable goals. Break down the syllabus into manageable sections and assign timelines to each. This approach ensures consistent progress and avoids last-minute cramming.


    Create a Study Schedule

    Draft a study schedule that covers all subjects, focusing on both strengths and weaknesses. Allocate more time to challenging areas while ensuring regular revision of already mastered topics. Balance your time between General Studies, optional subjects, and current affairs.


    Gather Quality Study Materials

    Use trusted sources for your study materials. SPM IAS Academy offers updated resources specifically designed for the APSC exam, which are in sync with the latest syllabus. Utilize these materials along with standard textbooks and reference books.


    Focus on APSC Previous Year Questions

    Practice APSC’s previous year’s questions to understand the exam pattern and question trends. This will help you understand and get an idea about the types of questions asked and the level of difficulty, enabling you to adjust your preparation strategy accordingly.


    Incorporate Regular Mock Tests

    Mock tests are a vital part of your APSC study plan. They not only assess your knowledge but also help in manage time effectively during the actual exam. At SPM IAS Academy, regular mock tests are part of the curriculum, providing real-time feedback and areas for improvement.


    Daily Current Affairs

    Keeping up with daily current affairs is non-negotiable. Integrate this into your routine by reading newspapers, following relevant news websites, and referring to monthly magazines. SPM IAS Academy offers concise current affairs materials that cover important events and issues relevant to the exam.


    Make Revision a Regular Habit

    Regular revision is essential to retain information. Set aside specific days or hours each week solely for revising what you have studied. This helps reinforce your learning and ensures that you are well-prepared for the exam.


    Join a Study Group or Forum

    Collaborating with fellow aspirants through study groups or online forums can be highly beneficial. It allows for the exchange of ideas, discussing difficult topics, and gaining new perspectives. SPM IAS Academy’s community is an excellent resource for this purpose.


    Focus on Answer Writing Practice

    For the APSC mains, practice answer writing regularly. Work on structuring your answers with clarity, coherence, and conciseness. SPM IAS Academy provides ample opportunities for answer writing practice with feedback from experienced faculty.


    Take Care of Your Health

    Prioritize your education, but don’t ignore your health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are equally important for maintaining the stamina needed for sustained study sessions. Mental well-being is just as important as physical health, so ensure you take breaks and relax when needed.


    Stay Motivated and Positive

    The preparation journey can be long and laborious. Stay motivated by setting small rewards for achieving milestones. Surround yourself with positivity, whether through motivational content, a supportive environment, or mentorship.


    Use SPM IAS Academy’s Resources

    SPM IAS Academy provides a holistic approach to APSC preparation with expert faculty, comprehensive study materials, regular mock tests, and a supportive learning environment. You can greatly improve your preparation by making use of these materials.


    Prepare for the Interview

    Once you clear the written stages, focus on preparing for the interview. Stay updated on current events, particularly those related to Assam and national issues. Practice answering commonly asked questions and work on your communication skills.


    Stay Updated with Exam Notifications

    Regularly check for updates and notifications regarding the APSC exam. Being aware of any changes in exam dates, patterns, or syllabus is crucial for adjusting your study plan accordingly.



    Effective preparation for the APSC exam involves a combination of understanding the syllabus, disciplined study, regular practice, and utilizing quality resources like those provided by SPM IAS Academy. By following this to-do list, you can ensure a structured approach to your preparation, maximizing your chances of success.

    Remember, consistency and perseverance are key. Implement these APSC study tips, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your civil service aspirations.


    Check out  UPSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | APSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | Crack APSC Exam | UPSC Civil Services Exam | Ethics Paper in UPSC Exams

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the most effective way to structure my APSC study schedule?

    Create a balanced study schedule that covers all subjects, with extra time allocated to challenging areas. Include regular revision sessions and incorporate mock tests to track progress. Consistency is key to effective APSC study planning.

    Mock tests are important as they simulate the exam environment, help in time management, and highlight weak areas. Regular practice with mock tests is one of the essential APSC study tips for improving performance.

    Prioritize quality study materials from trusted sources, like those provided by SPM IAS Academy. Supplement them with standard textbooks, current affairs resources, and previous years’ question papers for comprehensive preparation.

    Regular revision is vital. Dedicate specific days each week for revision, focusing on both strengths and areas that need improvement. Incorporating revision into your routine is one of the key APSC study tips.

    Current affairs are important, especially for General Studies and the interview stage. Stay updated daily through newspapers and relevant news sources. Integrating current affairs into your daily routine is an essential APSC study tip.

  • Essential Exam Center Tips for APSC Candidates

    Essential Exam Center Tips for APSC Candidates

    Preparing for the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam is an important attempt, and ensuring success requires not just academic preparation but also careful attention to the logistics and requirements on the exam day. As an APSC candidate, the exam center experience is important. Below are some essential tips for understanding the APSC exam center effectively, ensuring a smooth and stress-free exam day.


    1. Know Your Exam Center Location in Advance

    One of the most basic yet important steps is to know the exact location of your APSC exam center well before the exam day. It’s recommended to visit the center at least once before the exam to familiarize yourself with the route, especially if it’s in an unfamiliar area. This will help you avoid any last-minute panic due to traffic or getting lost, ensuring you arrive on time and in a calm state of mind.


    2. Prepare a Checklist of Essentials

    On the day of the exam, there are several items you must bring to the APSC exam center:

    • Admit Card: The admit card is required in order to enter the exam room. Double-check that you have it with you.
    • Valid ID Proof: Carry a government-issued ID, such as an Aadhar card, PAN card, or passport.
    • Stationery: Ensure you have sufficient pens, pencils, erasers, and a sharpener. Use black or blue ballpoint pens as per the exam guidelines.
    • Water Bottle: To stay hydrated during the exam, bring a clear water bottle with you.


    3. Adhere to the Dress Code

    While there may not be a strict dress code for the APSC exam, it’s advisable to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to sit for long periods without discomfort. Avoid bringing any accessories that might be restricted, such as watches with smart capabilities or jewelry. If the weather is unpredictable, consider layers that you can easily add or remove.


    4. Manage Time Efficiently

    Time management on the exam day extends beyond the time spent answering questions. Aim to reach the APSC exam center at least an hour before the reporting time. This buffer allows you to account for any unforeseen delays, such as traffic or parking issues. Once inside, use the time before the exam to calm your nerves, revise your strategy, and mentally prepare for the paper.


    5. Understand the Exam Center Rules

    Each APSC exam center will have its own set of rules and guidelines. Be aware of what is allowed and what isn’t. For example:

    • Electronic Gadgets: Mobile phones, calculators, smartwatches, and any other electronic devices are usually prohibited. Leave these items at home or outside the exam hall.
    • Silence: Maintain silence and follow the instructions given by the invigilators. Any form of communication with fellow candidates might be interpreted as malpractice.


    6. Mental and Physical Preparation

    It’s easy to overlook, but mental and physical preparation is vital for optimal performance at the APSC exam center. Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the exam and have a light, nutritious breakfast on the day of the exam. Avoid foods that are heavy or fatty as they may cause you to feel lethargic. Mentally, engage in some light reading or practice breathing exercises to keep anxiety away.


    7. Plan Your Exam Strategy

    Before entering the exam center, have a clear strategy in mind for how you will tackle the paper. Prioritize sections based on your strengths and the marks distribution. Time management within the exam is crucial, so keep an eye on the clock to ensure you can attempt all the sections.


    8. Handling Unforeseen Issues

    Despite all preparations, unforeseen issues can arise, such as reaching late to the APSC exam center or technical difficulties in the exam hall. Stay calm and approach the invigilators for assistance if needed. They are there to help ensure a fair and smooth examination process.


    9. Post-Exam Review

    Once the exam is over, avoid dwelling on your performance for too long, especially if you have subsequent exams. Review your approach, but focus on resting and preparing for the next stage. If this was your last paper, take some time to relax and reward yourself for the hard work you’ve put in.


    Why Choose SPM IAS Academy?

    SPM IAS Academy offers comprehensive coaching for APSC candidates, with a focus on both online and offline learning tailored to meet the needs of diverse students. With a strong emphasis on quality education delivered by experienced faculty from prestigious institutions like IIT, the academy ensures that students are well-prepared not only academically but also in terms of exam logistics and mental preparation​

    The academy’s offerings include:

    • Updated Courses: Aligned with the latest APSC syllabus.
    • Expert Guidance: Mentors and faculty with a track record of helping students secure top ranks.
    • Comprehensive Study Materials: Regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and changes in the exam patterns.
    • 24/7 Support: Both online and offline, ensuring students have access to resources and guidance whenever needed.



    Preparing for the APSC exam involves great planning and attention to detail, particularly concerning the exam center. By following the tips outlined above, you can reduce stress and increase your chances of success. Remember, your preparation does not end with studying; managing the exam day itself is just as crucial. At SPM IAS Academy, we are committed to guiding you through every step of your journey towards becoming a successful civil servant.


    Check out  UPSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | APSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | Crack APSC Exam | UPSC Civil Services Exam | Ethics Paper in UPSC Exams

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What should I bring to the APSC exam center?

    You must bring your admit card, a valid ID proof (like an Aadhar card), and necessary stationery (pens, pencils, erasers). It’s also advisable to carry a transparent water bottle.

    You can find the location details on your admit card. It’s recommended to visit the exam center at least once before the exam day to familiarize yourself with the route.

    Electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, calculators, and smartwatches are strictly prohibited at the APSC exam center. Avoid bringing any unnecessary items.

    It’s best to reach the APSC exam center at least an hour before the reporting time mentioned on your admit card to avoid any last-minute issues.

    If you encounter any problems, such as finding your seat or technical difficulties, immediately inform the invigilators, who are there to assist you.

    Typically, food items are not allowed inside the APSC exam center. However, you may carry a small snack or water if allowed, but it’s best to check specific guidelines beforehand.

    While there’s no strict dress code, it’s advisable to wear comfortable clothing. Avoid accessories like heavy jewelry or watches that might be restricted.

    No, once the APSC exam center has been allocated, it cannot be changed. Ensure you are aware of your assigned center well in advance.

    Arrive early, stay calm, and follow a planned strategy for attempting the exam. Engage in deep breathing exercises to manage anxiety.

    After reaching the APSC exam center, locate your exam room, verify your seat, and stay composed. Use the time before the exam to relax and focus.

  • How Much Fees for UPSC Coaching in Top Institutes Across India

    How Much Fees for UPSC Coaching in Top Institutes Across India

    If you’re aspiring to crack the UPSC Civil Services Examination, enrolling in a top-tier coaching institute can significantly boost your chances of success. However, the fees for UPSC coaching in top institutes across India vary widely, depending on factors like the reputation of the institute, the duration of the course, and the type of program offered (online or offline).


    Understanding the Cost Structure of UPSC Coaching

    When determining how much fees for UPSC coaching are,  it’s important to break down the components that make up the overall cost:

    • Tuition Fees: This is the primary cost and varies between Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,50,000 depending on the institute. Institutes like Vajiram & Ravi, Chanakya IAS Academy, and SPM IAS Academy offer complete coaching that includes GS (General Studies) preparation, optional subjects, and essay writing practice.
    • Study Materials: Institutes either include the cost of study materials in the tuition fees or charge separately. The cost of study materials can range from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 20,000.
    • Test Series: A good test series is crucial for UPSC preparation. Top institutes offer test series for around Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 30,000, depending on the number of tests and the depth of feedback provided.
    • Accommodation: For outstation students, accommodation is a significant additional cost. While some coaching centers have tie-ups with hostels or PG accommodations, the monthly cost ranges from Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 20,000, depending on the city.
    • Online vs. Offline Courses: Online courses generally cost less than offline ones. For instance, SPM IAS Academy offers affordable online UPSC courses, making high-quality coaching accessible to students across India. Their online courses can cost between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 1,50,000.


    Fees at Top Institutes

    Here’s a general overview of the fees at some of the top UPSC coaching institutes in India:

    • SPM IAS Academy: Based in Guwahati, SPM IAS Academy provides both online and offline courses customized to the needs of UPSC aspirants. Their fees are competitive, ranging from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 for comprehensive UPSC preparation.
    • Vajiram & Ravi, Delhi: Known for its experienced faculty and high success rate, the fees range from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 for a full-time course.
    • Chanakya IAS Academy: This institute offers courses between Rs. 1,30,000 to Rs. 1,80,000, depending on the course structure and optional subjects.
    • ALS IAS Academy: With branches across India, ALS charges around Rs. 1,50,000 for a full-time course.
    • Rau’s IAS Study Circle: One of the oldest institutes, the fees here range between Rs. 1,70,000 to Rs. 2,10,000.


    Factors Influencing Fees

    • Location: Coaching institutes in metropolitan cities like Delhi and Bangalore generally charge higher fees than those in smaller cities.
    • Course Duration: Longer courses (1-2 years) are more expensive than shorter, crash-course formats.
    • Inclusions: Institutes that offer additional benefits like interview preparation, personality development classes, and one-on-one mentoring tend to charge more.


    Why Choose SPM IAS Academy?

    For students looking for a blend of quality education and affordability, SPM IAS Academy stands out. Here’s why:

    • Experienced Faculty: SPM IAS Academy has a team of well-qualified faculty members from prestigious institutions like IIT Roorkee and IIT Kanpur, ensuring quality education.
    • Updated Curriculum: The courses at SPM IAS Academy are frequently updated to reflect the latest trends in UPSC exams, including new subjects like Ethics & Integrity and Disaster Management.
    • Flexible Learning: With both online and offline courses available, students can choose a mode of learning that suits their lifestyle. The online courses are particularly popular among working professionals and students from remote areas.
    • Comprehensive Support: SPM IAS Academy provides 24*7 online and offline support, live recorded lectures, and access to a vast library of resources, including monthly magazines and test series.
    • Affordable Pricing: Despite offering premium features, SPM IAS Academy’s fee structure is highly competitive, making it an excellent choice for students looking to maximize their return on investment.


    Final Thought

    Understanding how much fees for UPSC coaching in India can help aspirants plan their preparation journey effectively. While top institutes charge anywhere between Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 2,50,000, options like SPM IAS Academy offer a balance of quality and affordability. Investing in a good coaching institute can be a game-changer in your UPSC journey, so choose wisely based on your budget, learning preferences, and the institute’s track record.


    Check out  UPSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | APSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | Crack APSC Exam | UPSC Civil Services Exam | Ethics Paper in UPSC Exams

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How much fees for UPSC coaching on average in India?

    The average fee for UPSC coaching ranges from Rs. 61,000 to Rs. 2,50,000, depending on the institute and course structure.


    Yes, online UPSC coaching is generally more affordable, with fees ranging between Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.

    Fees are influenced by the institute’s reputation, location, course duration, and additional services like study materials and test series.

    Yes, SPM IAS Academy offers competitive fees ranging from Rs. 55,000 to Rs. 1,50,000, with both online and offline options.

    It depends on the institute; some include study materials in the fees, while others charge separately.

    Test series typically cost between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 30,000, depending on the institute and the number of tests.

    Many top institutes, including SPM IAS Academy, offer installment payment options to ease the financial burden on students.

    Yes, coaching for optional subjects is often charged separately, ranging from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 50,000.

    SPM IAS Academy occasionally offers discounts and scholarships based on merit and special circumstances.

    Yes, additional costs may include study materials, test series, accommodation, and other resources like interview preparation sessions.

  • Online vs Offline Coaching – Which is Better for APSC Preparation?

    To obtain prestigious civil service positions in Assam, candidates must prepare for the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam. One of the most significant decisions you will face is whether to opt for online APSC preparation or traditional offline coaching. Both methods have their pros and cons, and the best choice depends on various factors, including your learning style, schedule, and access to resources.


    Advantages of Online APSC Preparation

    • Flexibility and Convenience: Online coaching offers unmatched flexibility. You can attend classes, watch recorded lectures, and access study materials anytime and anywhere. This is particularly beneficial for working professionals or students with other commitments. For instance, SPM IAS Academy provides high-quality video lectures and live sessions that can be accessed at your convenience, allowing you to fit your study schedule around your life.
    • Personalized Learning: Online platforms often offer personalized learning experiences. You can replay difficult lectures, focus on weak areas, and progress at your own pace. Many online courses, like those offered by SPM IAS Academy, include interactive elements such as quizzes, live doubt-clearing sessions, and personalized feedback from instructors.
    • Access to Quality Resources: Online APSC preparation provides access to a vast array of resources, including up-to-date study materials, current affairs magazines, and previous years’ question papers. SPM IAS Academy ensures that its online students have the latest and most relevant content to help them in their preparation.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Online courses are generally more affordable than traditional classroom coaching. The reduction in overhead costs (like infrastructure) allows academies to offer competitive pricing. 


    Advantages of Offline Coaching

    • Structured Learning Environment: Offline coaching offers a more structured and disciplined learning environment. Regular class schedules, direct interaction with faculty, and peer learning opportunities can significantly enhance your preparation. SPM IAS Academy’s Guwahati center is equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms and a conducive learning environment that promotes focus and discipline.
    • Immediate Doubt Resolution: In a physical classroom, students can immediately raise their doubts and get them clarified by instructors, which can be crucial for understanding complex topics. Offline coaching also allows for in-person interaction with peers, building a collaborative learning experience.
    • Regular Assessments and Feedback: Offline coaching centers often conduct frequent mock tests, practice sessions, and group discussions. These activities not only assess your preparation level but also help in improving time management and answering strategies under exam conditions. 
    • Motivation and Accountability: Being physically present in a classroom with fellow aspirants creates a sense of community and competition, which can motivate you to perform better. The routine of attending classes can also instill a sense of accountability and reduce procrastination.


    Challenges of Online and Offline Coaching

    • Online Coaching: While online coaching offers flexibility, it requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation. Without the structure of a classroom, it’s easy to fall behind. Technical issues, such as poor internet connectivity, can also disrupt the learning process.
    • Offline Coaching: Offline coaching, though effective, may not be feasible for everyone due to geographical constraints or time commitments. The fixed schedule of classes may also not suit those who prefer to study at their own pace.


    Which One is Better?

    The choice between online and offline coaching ultimately depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. If you require flexibility, prefer studying at your own pace, and are comfortable with technology, online APSC preparation might be the better option for you. Our online courses are designed to provide a comprehensive and interactive learning experience, making it a great choice for modern aspirants.

    On the other hand, if you thrive in a structured environment, value face-to-face interactions, and prefer the traditional classroom setup, offline coaching could be more beneficial. SPM IAS Academy’s offline courses in Guwahati offer a disciplined approach to APSC preparation, with regular assessments and expert guidance.


    Both online and offline coaching have their unique advantages. At SPM IAS Academy, you have the flexibility to choose the mode of learning that best suits your needs. Whether you opt for online APSC preparation or offline classes, the key to success lies in consistency, dedication, and making the most of the resources available to you. With the right approach and support, you can ace your APSC exams and achieve your dream of becoming a civil servant in Assam.

    Check out  UPSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | APSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | Crack APSC Exam | UPSC Civil Services Exam | Ethics Paper in UPSC Exams

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the main advantage of online APSC preparation?

    Online APSC preparation offers flexibility and convenience, allowing students to study anytime and anywhere, which is ideal for working professionals or those with other commitments.

    Offline coaching provides a structured environment with direct interaction with faculty and peers, forming discipline and immediate doubt resolution.

    Absolutely! Online platforms often offer personalized learning experiences, including the ability to focus on weak areas and access to interactive tools.

    Yes, offline coaching typically includes frequent mock tests and practice sessions, which help in tracking progress and improving exam strategies.

    Yes, online coaching requires a high level of self-discipline since flexibility can lead to procrastination without a structured routine.

    Online APSC preparation is better suited for working professionals due to its flexible schedule and accessibility.

    Yes, SPM IAS Academy offers both online and offline coaching options, allowing students to choose the mode that best fits their needs.

    Yes, online coaching platforms like SPM IAS Academy provide up-to-date study materials, including current affairs and previous years’ papers.

    The choice depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. Online APSC preparation is ideal for flexibility, while offline coaching is best for those who prefer a structured, interactive environment.

    Yes, online APSC preparation is generally more cost-effective due to lower overhead costs, making it accessible to a broader range of students.

  • Best Books for APSC Preparation in 2024

    Best Books for APSC Preparation in 2024

    The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam is an important entry to prestigious civil services in Assam. Given the competitive nature of this exam, choosing the right study materials is essential for success. This blog will guide you through the best books for APSC preparation in 2024 and provide insights into effective strategies to ace the exam.


    Why Choose SPM IAS Academy?

    Before diving into the list of best books, it’s important to choose the right coaching institute. SPM IAS Academy, one of the premier coaching centers in Assam, offers both online and offline courses customized for APSC and UPSC aspirants. The academy offers an expert faculty, in-depth study materials, and modern facilities. With personalized mentoring and regular mock tests, we ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the APSC exam.


    Comprehensive Booklist for APSC Preparation

    Selecting the right books is vital for covering the vast APSC syllabus. Here’s a list of the best books for APSC preparation in 2024, carefully curated to cover every aspect of the exam:

    1. General Studies Paper I

    • Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth: A go-to book for understanding the intricate details of Indian polity and governance. It covers the Indian Constitution, political framework, and key amendments comprehensively.
    • History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra: This book provides an in-depth analysis of India’s freedom struggle, from the advent of Europeans to the attainment of independence.
    • Geography of India by Majid Husain: A detailed guide to the physical, economic, and social geography of India, important for APSC General Studies.
    • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh: This book covers all aspects of the Indian economy, including current economic issues, which are frequently asked in the APSC exam.
    • Assam Yearbook by Prantik Publications: A must-have for current affairs and general knowledge specific to Assam. This book provides insights into the state’s economic, political, and social scenarios.


    2. General Studies Paper II

    • Public Administration by M. Laxmikanth: A comprehensive book covering theories, principles, and practices in public administration, crucial for Paper II.
    • Essentials of Indian Government and Administration by M. Laxmikanth: Another excellent resource by the same author, focusing specifically on Indian administrative systems.
    • Social Problems in India by Ram Ahuja: This book discusses the social issues prevalent in India, an important topic for Paper II.


    3. Optional Subjects

    Choosing the right optional subject can significantly impact your APSC results. Here are some recommended books for popular optional subjects:

    • Political Science and International Relations:
      • Political Theory by O.P. Gauba: Covers the fundamental concepts of political science.
      • Global Politics by Andrew Heywood: Offers a deep dive into international relations, a vital part of the syllabus.
    • History:
      • India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma: Focuses on ancient Indian history.
      • Medieval India by Satish Chandra: Provides insights into the medieval period of Indian history.
    • Anthropology:
      • Physical Anthropology by P. Nath: A comprehensive guide on physical anthropology.
      • Tribal India by Nadeem Hasnain: Discusses the various tribal communities in India, an important topic for anthropology.


    Effective Preparation Strategies

    While having the best books is essential, your preparation strategy plays an equally important role in your success. Here are some tips to maximize your APSC preparation:

    1. Time Management: Create a well-structured study plan that allocates sufficient time to each subject. Prioritize topics based on their weightage in the exam and ensure you revise regularly.
    2. Regular Practice: Regular practice through mock tests and previous years’ question papers is key to understanding the exam pattern and improving your speed and accuracy. We offer extensive mock test series, both online and offline, that replicate the actual exam environment.
    3. Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Current affairs play a significant role in the APSC exam, especially in General Studies Paper I. Make it a habit to read newspapers daily and follow monthly current affairs magazines. SPM IAS Academy provides monthly magazines that cover important current events and topics relevant to the APSC syllabus.
    4. Join a Study Group: Joining a study group can help you stay motivated and discuss topics that might be challenging to understand on your own. SPM IAS Academy facilitates group discussions and doubt-clearing sessions that allow students to collaborate and learn from each other.
    5. Take Care of Your Health: Preparing for APSC can be mentally and physically exhausting. Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, and take breaks during your study sessions to keep your mind fresh and focused.



    Preparing for the APSC exam requires a combination of the right resources, strategic planning, and consistent effort. The books mentioned in this blog are some of the best books for APSC preparation in 2024. However, your success also depends on how effectively you utilize these resources and the strategies you employ during your preparation.

    At SPM IAS Academy, we are committed to guiding you through this journey with our expert faculty, study materials, and regular assessments. By combining the best books for APSC preparation with our structured coaching, you can maximize your chances of success and achieve your dream of becoming a civil servant in Assam.


    Check out  UPSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | APSC Coaching Centre Guwahati | Crack APSC Exam | UPSC Civil Services Exam | Ethics Paper in UPSC Exams

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the best books for APSC General Studies Paper I?

    Recommended books include Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth, History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra, Geography of India by Majid Husain, and Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh.

    Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth is considered the best book for APSC preparation in the Polity section.

    Yes, the NCERT and Assam Yearbook by Prantik Publications is highly recommended for state-specific current affairs.

    Yes, subjects like Political Science, Political Theory by O.P. Gauba, and Global Politics by Andrew Heywood are excellent choices.

    For history, India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma and Medieval India by Satish Chandra are highly recommended.

  • APSC CCE Salary, Perks, Salary Structure and Job Profile

    APSC CCE Salary, Perks, Salary Structure and Job Profile

    What is the APSC CCE?

    The APSC CCE is intended to recruit applicants for a variety of civil service positions in Assam, including those in the Assam Administrative Service, Assam Police Service, and other allied services. The examination procedure has several steps, including preliminary exams, main exams, and personal interviews, to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are chosen.

    The pay scale for APSC CCE positions will be Rs. 30,000 to Rs 1,10,000 or Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000. Check here APSC Officers salary, benefits, allowances etc. This article aims to deliver exhaustive details on the APSC CCE pay structure.

    APSC CCE Salary Overview

    APSC CCE Officers will get attractive monthly salaries, allowances, and stability in their careers. As an aspirant, you must be aware of the APSC CCE pay structure or other relevant information. After joining the service, all newly recruited individuals would be paid a monthly wage ranging from Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 30,000. Currently, their grade pays ranges from Rs. 9400 to Rs. 13,300. Currently, this pay structure is based on the 7th Pay Commission. Following that, their income would be increased in accordance with the state government of Assam’s guidelines. This includes time to time increment and promotions. After joining the service, officers of the APSC currently get an in-hand salary of approximately Rs. 65,000.

    Exam NameAssam Public Service Commission; Combined Competitive Examination APSC CCE
    Exam Conducting BodyAssam Public Service Commission
    Post NameVarious Posts under APSC CCE
    Pay BandPB 3 – PB 4
    Pay Scale (p/m)Rs. 30,000 to Rs 1,10,000 or Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000 (according to the post)
    Grade PayRs 9100 to Rs 13,300
    Approximate in hand salaryRs. 65,000 (p/m)
    Pay Commission7th Pay Commission
    Other BenefitsVarious Perks and Allowances

    APSC CCE Post Wise Salary Structure

    In the following list, we will discuss the salary structure of various posts at APSC CCE. 

    APSC CCE Post NamePay ScaleGrade Pay
    Assam Civil Service (Jr. Grade)Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 13,300 & PB-4
    Assam Police Service (Jr. Grade)Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 13,300 & PB-4
    Superintendent of TaxesRs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 12,700 & PB-4
    Superintendent of ExciseRs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 12,700 & PB-4
    Assam Finance Service (Jr. Grade II)Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 12,700 & PB-4
    Block Development OfficerRs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 12,700 & PB-4
    Assistant Registrar of Cooperative SocietiesRs. 30,000 to Rs. 1,10,000Grade Pay 12,700 & PB-4
    Inspector of TaxesRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,100 & PB-3
    Inspector of LabourRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,100 & PB-3
    Assistant Employment OfficerRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,400 & PB-3
    Sub RegistrarRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,100 & PB-3
    Assistant Accounts Officer (Assam Accounts Service)Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,100 & PB-3
    Inspecting Auditor, Elementary EducationRs. 22,000 to Rs. 97,000Grade Pay 9,400 & PB-3

    APSC CCE Salary; Various Perks and Allowances

    In addition to the basic salary, APSC CCE officers receive numerous bonuses and allowances per month based on their position. According to the rules and regulations, all of this is added to the person’s salary.

    The Allowances are:

    • Dearness Allowance (DA)
    • Travel Allowance (TA)
    • Medical Allowance
    • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
    • Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
    • Accommodation
    • Insurance
    • Pension and Gratuity
    • Other Allowance

    Understanding the APSC CCE Job Profile: A Gateway to Public Service

    The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) is a prominent examination for persons seeking administrative positions in the state of Assam. The APSC CCE provides a unique opportunity for individuals to enter the public service sector and contribute to the region’s development and governance. In this blog, we’ll look at the APSC CCE job profile, its responsibilities, and the advantages of pursuing a career through this prestigious examination.

    Key Responsibilities for APSC CCE Officers

    • Administrative Duties: APSC CCE officers are responsible for administering their districts. They supervise the execution of government programs and plans, ensuring that services reach their intended recipients.
    • Law and Order: Officers, particularly those in the Assam Police Service are responsible for ensuring law and order. This includes investigating crimes, enforcing traffic laws, and guaranteeing public safety.
    • Public Engagement: Interacting with the general public is an important aspect of this career. To foster trust and transparency, officers must respond to grievances, give information about government services, and do community outreach.
    • Policy Implementation: Civil workers are responsible for enforcing numerous state and federal policies. This necessitates a thorough awareness of local issues, as well as the ability to tailor policies to the requirements of the community.
    • Crisis Management: During natural catastrophes or emergencies, civil workers are on the front lines, coordinating relief operations, ensuring safety, and assisting impacted communities.
    • Resource Management: Effective use of state resources is critical. This covers budgeting, project management, and ensuring that public funds are spent wisely.

    Skills and Qualities Required

    To succeed in the APSC CCE role, individuals must have a combination of abilities and qualities:

    • Leadership: Effective team motivation and stakeholder management require strong leadership qualities.
      Analytical Thinking: The ability to assess difficult circumstances and provide effective solutions is essential in public administration.
    • Adaptability: The ability to respond to changing circumstances and obstacles in the administrative landscape is critical to success.
    • Communication Skills: Clear and effective communication is required for communicating with the public and presenting information to higher-level officials.
    • Integrity: A strong ethical basis is required in public service since officers are expected to follow the law and serve the public properly.

    Benefits of a career in APSC CCE

    • Job Security: Public sector positions provide a high level of job security, which is tempting in today’s unstable labour market.
    • Impactful Work: Working in civil service allows individuals to make a tangible difference in society by improving people’s lives and promoting community development.
    • Career Growth: The APSC CCE job profile provides numerous prospects for promotion. Dedicated officers can advance to higher-level administrative roles.
    • Prestige and Respect: Civil workers frequently receive high levels of respect and recognition throughout the community because they are viewed as leaders committed to public service.
    • Diverse Opportunities: APSC CCE provides opportunities for numerous tasks across departments, resulting in a dynamic and diverse career path.

    What is ACS

    In the Assam government, ACS stands for Assam Civil Service. The government appoints people to important, high-ranking state positions through the APSC exam. An ACS officer in Assam performs a variety of critical functions. These include administration, revenue collection, law enforcement, and disaster management. They also represent the government at negotiations and public meetings.

    What is it like to be an Assam Civil Service (ACS) officer?

    Being an ACS officer in Assam is a tough yet rewarding vocation. Here’s what you should know about their duties, training, and daily lives:

    Job Responsibilities

    1. Developing and implementing government policies and initiatives in districts and subdivisions.
    2. Manages revenue collection, land records, and disaster management. Coordinating with numerous agencies and government authorities to ensure efficient delivery of public services.
    3. Magistrates handle minor civil and criminal proceedings.
    4. Serves as a liaison between the state government and local communities.
    5. Maintaining law and order.
    6. Resolving disputes.

    The Service shall consist of following Classes and Cadres

    • Junior Grade
    • Senior Grade II
    • Senior Grade I
    • Selection Grade
    • Secretary to Govt. of Assam
    • Commissioner & Secretary to Govt. of Assam
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadre
                1            Junior GradeUnder Secretary to the Government
    Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil)
    Sub-Divisional Officer (Sadar)
    Assistant Commissioner
    Election Officer
    Circle Officer/A.S.O
    Circle Officer (A)
    Deputy Director, P&RD
    Deputy Director, WPT&BC
    Deputy Director, Sports & Youth Welfare
    Deputy Director, AASC
    Deputy Director, Municipal Administration
    OSD Assam Bhawan/Assam House New Delhi
    Liaison Officer Assam Bhawan/Assam House New Delhi
    Administrative Officer, Nazarat Branch, Secretariat
    Collector GMC
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadreYears of continuous service in ACS to be completed
                  2        Senior Grade – II  Deputy Secretary        6 years in ACS
    Joint Director, of Panchayat & Rural Development
    Joint Director, of Sports and Youth Welfare
    Joint Director, of Welfare of Tea and Ex-Tea Garden Tribes
    Joint Director, of AASC
    Joint Director, Welfare of SC
    Additional Director, Land Acquisition, Requisition & Reforms
    Additional Director of Land Records
    Principal, Assam Survey & Settlement Training
    Sr. Research Officer, Revenue Department
    Additional Director of Survey
    Editor in Chief of District Gazetteer
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadreYears of continuous service in ACS to be completed
                  3       Senior Grade – I  Joint Secretary     12 years in ACS
    District Commissioner/DDC
    Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad
    Trade Adviser & Director of Movements
    Principal Controller of Examination, APSC
    Director Official Language Implementation
    Chief Valuation Officer
    Director Organization and Methods
    Director of Small Savings
    Director of State Lotteries
    Director of Manpower
    Addl. Commissioner, Guwahati Municipal Corporation
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadre
                                  4 Selection Grade/Senior Grade – I  Secretary, Assam State Election Commission
    Secretary, Assam Public Service Commission
    Secretary, Assam State Information Commission
    Director of Municipal Administration
    Director of Food & Civil Supplies
    Director of Employment and Craftsmen Training
    District Commissioner/DDC
    Director of Cultural Affairs
    Director of Tourism
    Addl. Director, Training AASC
    Addl. Director of Social Welfare
    Director of Welfare of Plains Tribes and Backward Classes
    Director of Sericulture
    Director of Handloom & Textiles
    Director of Sports & Youth Welfare
    Director of Financial Inspection
    Director of Minority Welfare Board
    Director of Schedule Castes
    Director of Fisheries      
    Director of Border Areas
    Director of Char Areas Development Authority
    Director of Tea
    Director of Welfare of Tea & Ex-Tea Garden Tribes
    Commissioner of Disabled
    Director of Science & Technology
    Additional Registrar of Cooperative Socities
    Director, Assam Institute Research for SC and Tribal
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadreYears of continuous service in ACS to be completed
          5   Selection Grade  Additional Secretary   19 years in ACS
    Sr. Addl. Commissioner of Transport
    Sr. Addl. Commissioner of Excise
    Sr. Addl. Commissioner of Taxes
    Sr. Addl. Commissioner of Labour
    Addl. Commissioner of P&RD
    Inspector General of Prisons
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadreYears of continuous service in ACS to be completed
        6    Secretary Grade      Secretary to Government    21 years in ACS
    Sl. No.Name of CadreName of posts equivalent to and included in the cadre
        7    Commissioner & Secy. Grade      Commissioner & Secretary


    The APSC CCE job profile is more than just a job; it represents a dedication to helping the people of Assam. It takes effort, resilience, and a real desire to contribute to society. For those who want to face the demands and responsibilities of public service, the APSC CCE provides a satisfying and meaningful career path. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a seasoned professional, your path through APSC CCE could lead to a future in which you make a genuine impact in the lives of others.

  • What to Study for APSC Exam: A Complete Guide

    What to Study for APSC Exam: A Complete Guide

    Preparing for the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) exam is a challenging journey that requires strategic planning, a deep understanding of the syllabus, and consistent effort. At SPM IAS Academy, we understand the depths of the APSC exam and provide all the guidance to help aspirants succeed. This blog will walk you through the key areas you need to focus on to ace the APSC exam, offering a detailed study plan made according to the demands of this competitive examination.


    What is the APSC Exam Structure

    The APSC exam is divided into three stages:

    1. Preliminary Examination (Prelims)
    2. Main Examination (Mains)
    3. Personal Interview (Viva Voce)

    Each stage requires a different approach to preparation, and understanding the structure is crucial to planning your study schedule effectively.



    Two papers make up the objective-style Prelims exam: 

    • General Studies (GS): This paper covers a broad spectrum of topics including History, Geography, Polity, Economy, General Science, Environment, and current events.
    • Optional Subject: General Studies I, II, III, and IV, General English, two Optional Subjects, an Essay, and an Indian Language paper comprise the APSC CCE test.



    The Mains exam is descriptive and includes:

    • Essay Paper: Testing your ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely.
    • General Studies Papers: Covering Indian History, Culture, Polity, Economy, Environment, Science & Technology, and more.
    • Optional Subject Papers: APSC CCE Mains will not incluide the optional subject.
    • Language Papers: Testing proficiency in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo and English.


    Personal Interview

    This final stage assesses your personality, general awareness, and suitability for a career in civil services.


    What to Study for APSC Exam

    1. General Studies (GS):

    The GS paper is the backbone of the APSC exam, both in Prelims and Mains. Here’s a breakdown of what to study:

    • History: Focus on Indian history from ancient to modern times. Emphasize the freedom struggle and significant movements. We offer detailed notes and lectures on key historical events.
    • Geography: Study both Indian and World Geography. Understand physical, economic, and human geography, with a special focus on Assam’s geography.
    • Polity: Indian Polity, Constitution, Governance, and Political System are very important. Make sure to cover the latest amendments and governmental policies.
    • Economy: Understand the basics of the Indian Economy, key economic indicators, budget, and economic policies. Include current economic issues in your preparation.
    • Environment: Study environmental ecology, biodiversity, climate change, and sustainable development. Assam-specific environmental issues are particularly important.
    • General Science: Cover basic concepts in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Current developments in science and technology should also be included.
    • Current Affairs: Regularly update yourself with national and international news, especially issues affecting Assam.
    • Optional Subject: Choosing the right optional subject is vital. It should be a subject you are comfortable with and have some background in. Subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, and Sociology are popular choices. We provide specialized coaching for various optional subjects, ensuring a deep understanding of the topics.
    • Language Papers: Proficiency in English and a regional language is tested. Practice writing essays, precis, and comprehension to improve your command of these languages. 


    How to Approach Your APSC Preparation

    1. Build a Strong Foundation:

    Start with NCERT books to build a strong foundation in basic concepts. These books are crucial for both Prelims and Mains. Our courses integrate NCERT concepts with advanced materials to provide a complete understanding.

    1. Focus on Current Affairs:

    Current affairs play an important role in both Prelims and Mains. Regularly read newspapers, follow credible news channels, and use online resources to stay updated. SPM IAS Academy’s monthly magazines and current affairs classes provide a concise and structured approach to staying updated.

    1. Regular Revision:

    Revision is key to retaining information. Make short notes and revise them regularly. SPM IAS Academy’s study materials are designed for quick revision, helping you retain important information effectively.

    1. Practice Mock Tests:

    Regular practice with mock tests is essential. It not only helps in time management but also in understanding the exam pattern and improving answer writing skills. SPM IAS Academy offers extensive mock test series that mimic the actual APSC exam, giving you the practice you need to excel.

    1. Join a Coaching Program:

    Joining a coaching program can provide structured learning and expert guidance. SPM IAS Academy offers best online APSC coaching and offline courses to meet the specific needs of APSC aspirants. Our faculty, comprising experts and experienced professionals, ensures that you receive the best training to clear the exam.


    Why Choose SPM IAS Academy for APSC Preparation?

    At SPM IAS Academy, we are committed to your success. Our unique approach combines traditional teaching methods with modern technology to provide a learning experience that is both comprehensive and engaging. Here’s why you should choose us:

    • Expert Faculty: Our faculty includes experienced educators from top institutes who are well-versed in the APSC exam pattern.
    • Comprehensive Study Materials: Our study materials are regularly updated and concisely cover the entire syllabus.
    • Personalized Mentorship: We offer personalized mentorship to address individual needs and doubts.
    • Flexible Learning Options: With both online and offline classes, you can choose a learning mode that suits your lifestyle.
    • Extensive Mock Tests: Our mock test series prepares you for the actual exam with real-time feedback and analysis.



    Success in the APSC exam requires a well-rounded preparation strategy. By focusing on what to study for APSC exam, staying disciplined, and using the right resources, you can significantly improve your chances of success. At SPM IAS Academy, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether it’s understanding the syllabus, choosing the right study materials, or practicing with mock tests, our programs are designed to help you achieve your goal of becoming a civil servant.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the structure of the APSC exam?

    The APSC exam consists of three stages: Preliminary (objective-type), Mains (descriptive), and Personal Interview.

    The Prelims include General Studies (GS) and an optional subject chosen by the candidate.

    Focus on Indian History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Environment, General Science, and Current Affairs.

    APSC offers a variety of optional subjects including History, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, and others.

    Current affairs are very important, especially for the General Studies paper, and should be regularly updated.

    While not mandatory, coaching can provide structured guidance, expert resources, and mock tests, which can significantly improve your preparation.

    Typically, 8-12 months of dedicated preparation is recommended for the APSC exam. This time frame allows for thorough coverage of the syllabus, regular revision, and ample practice with mock tests, ensuring a well-rounded preparation strategy.

  • How to Start Your UPSC Exam Preparation?

    How to Start Your UPSC Exam Preparation?

    Welcome to our detailed guide on how to start UPSC Exam Preparation. Your preparation will be streamlined with the help of practical methods and professional direction from us, and you will be able to effectively face the rigorous requirements of the test. Whether you’re a first-time test taker or looking to improve your skills, a systematic approach will put you on the path to passing the UPSC examination.

    UPSC Exam Preparation Tips: Your Roadmap to Success.

    Getting ready for the Public Service Commission’s (UPSC) examination necessitates a systematic approach and concerted, focused efforts. To perform well on this prestigious test, aspirants must focus on a few key areas. To create an effective study plan, you must first become familiar with the examination format and content.

    Make a personalized study timetable for yourself, making sure to leave enough time for each topic and including regular review sessions. Updating your understanding of current events will help you understand general studies subjects better. In addition, practice answering questions in writing to improve your articulation and time management skills.

    As practice makes perfect, assess your progress with previous year question paper and practice exams. Enroll in a supportive learning environment and seek out educators or mentors who can assist you during the process. Finally, but just as importantly, maintain a positive attitude and consistency in your preparation. Although the UPSC exam is challenging, it is achievable with significant effort and concentration.

    When to Start Preparing for UPSC Exam

    Candidates should begin studying as soon as possible if they wish to increase their chances of passing the UPSC exam. Early study will allow candidates more time to cover every topic, which is especially beneficial considering how complex the exam is. With adequate time, candidates can study every topic, go over complex concepts again, and take practice exams.

    In addition to having more time to focus on their areas of weakness, candidates who begin their preparations early also experience less stress from procrastinating until the last minute. One can retain additional knowledge and increase their retention of it over time by studying consistently and disciplinely.

    Another advantage of beginning early in the preparation process is the capacity to achieve a healthy balance between studies and living. Progressive, everyday study sessions that build confidence and a solid basis can significantly increase candidates’ UPSC test scores. As soon as possible, prospective candidates should begin their preparation to increase their chances of success.

    How to Start Preparing For UPSC Exam

    When you first start getting ready for the UPSC, it’s normal to feel overpowered, but if you approach the process methodically, you can set yourself up for future success. How to start UPSC exam preparation, split down into manageable sections:

    #1 Get acquainted with the UPSC Exam Syllabus and Exam Structure:

    Make sure you are aware of the examination’s structure, how many phases there are, and the subjects you need to study for. Make sure that the course outline makes explicit the differences between the interviews, main exams, and preliminary exams. You will then have a clear course of action to pursue.

    #2 Assemble Study Materials

    Gather pertinent study materials, such as coaching notes, coaching books, reference books, and textbooks. Select reliable sources if you want to ensure that the data you get is correct and of the highest caliber.

    #3 Create a Productive Study timetable:

    Arrange your studies in a way that works with your timetable. Allocate sufficient time to each topic and rank them based on your areas of difficulty.

    #4 Begin with General Studies:

    History, geography, politics, economics, and science are examples of general studies classes that are a fantastic place to start studying for the examination. Put your focus on learning the fundamentals and creating a solid foundation.

    #5 Select Your Optional Subjects Carefully:

    When you start preparing for UPSC, choosing your optional subjects wisely is essential to succeeding in the mains exam. Consider your interests, relevant experience, and expected score before making your selection.

    #6 Boost Your Ability to Write Answers:

    Get ready for the mains exam by improving your answer-writing skills. Write essays, summaries, and descriptive comments within the word limit. Ask experienced people for tips on how to make your writing better.

    #7 Practice Frequently:

    In order to solidify your knowledge, practice must be done consistently. By going over previous exam questions and taking practice exams, you may assess your development and identify areas where you need to make improvements.

    #8 Join Study Groups or Coaching Centers:

    You could want to enroll in a reputable coaching program or form study groups with other aspirants who have similar objectives. Discussions and collaborative learning are excellent ways to understand complex things.

    #9 Stay Up with Current Affairs:

    To stay informed about current affairs, read newspapers, magazines, and reliable websites. Candidates’ familiarity with current events is heavily weighted in both the preliminary and major exams.

    #10 Remain Consistent and Upbeat:

    The UPSC preparation procedure necessitates perseverance and concentration. Retaining a positive outlook, self-assurance in your abilities, and consistent study routines are essential for success.

    You may prepare yourself for success on the UPSC with regular practice, a realistic study schedule, and a complete understanding of the subject matter. Maintain an open heart, a clear head, and an optimistic attitude toward the learning process. You will get closer to your objective of serving the nation by passing the coveted UPSC exam with each step.

    10 Tips to Start your UPSC Exam Preparation (Prelims and Mains)

    1. Take Early Action: To ensure that you have enough time to fully cover everything on the syllabus, start your studies early.
    2. Recognize the syllabus: Learn about the scope of the subjects by familiarizing yourself with the Prelims and Mains UPSC CSE examination curriculum.
    3. Make Notes: During your research, jot down key points that emphasize the most important principles so you may go over them again later.
    4. Create an efficient schedule: Create a thoughtfully planned study schedule that allots enough time for students to thoroughly and methodically study for all classes and disciplines.
    5. Practice Mock Tests: To assess your development and enhance your time management abilities, take practice exams for both the Prelims and Mains on a regular basis.
    6. Knowledge of Current Affairs: A thorough understanding of current events is required for both the preliminary and final exams.
    7. Give Importance to Answer Writing: Practice writing succinct, well-organized answers in order to enhance your success on mains examinations.
    8. Detailed Revising: Schedule regular revising sessions to improve your understanding and retention of knowledge.
    9. Use High-Quality Resources: Effective study calls for the use of high-quality resources, including trustworthy books, websites, and traditional practice exams.
    10. Study hard and Maintain a Positive Attitude: If you maintain a positive outlook and have faith in your abilities, you could do very well on the UPSC CSE exam.

    Candidates can enhance the effectiveness of their study schedule by adding some essential ideas once they have a better understanding of when and how to start preparing for the UPSC CSE exam. This enables candidates to receive the exam results they want at every stage of the UPSC CSE exam.


    Now that you possess the knowledge required to perform well on the UPSC CSE exam. You can now choose to meticulously follow the instructions to approach the test with confidence and readiness. Stay focused, have faith in your abilities, and remember that persistence and diligence will be rewarded. I’m hoping you succeed in your efforts to pass the UPSC CSE exam!

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