A Guide on how to become Superintendent of Taxes


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Becoming the Superintendent of Taxes Assam is one of the most prestigious positions in the state government. In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam , one must be able to understand the significance of this particular role and position. One of the most highly sought after jobs, the superintendent of taxes is significantly responsible with multiple duties and responsibilities, primarily of which is the sole focus of the efficient handling of taxes.

Much like other Indian states, The tax administration in Assam too , works as one of the most important and crucial sectors of the government that ultimately works to serve as one of the key fundamental components of the overall financial governance system. The smooth and efficient taxation process undergoes different stages of administration processes that are catered by different financial management and legal procedures, all of which are managed under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of taxes Assam.

How to become a Superintendent of Taxes Assam ?

In order to become superintendent of Taxes Assam, a candidate must appear for Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Examination. A candidate must be able to demonstrate their competence and knowledge in this extremely challenging and competitive exam if they wish to become superintendent of taxes Assam.

What are the qualifications required to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam, or a tax officer, one must have the necessary education qualifications.

In order to appear for the Assam Public Service Commission ( APSC) examination, one must at least hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university. There are no restrictions or limitations with the subject preference or background.

What is the age limit to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

According to the rules prescribed by APSC guidelines, the age limit for superintendent of taxes recruitment normally ranges between 21 to 38 years of age.

However, for candidates who belong to the SC/ ST category, the age limit to become superintendent of taxes recruitment normally has a minimum relaxation of 7 years. That is, the upper age limit is 43 years of age.

And for candidates belonging to the OBC / MOBC category, the age limit is 41 years of age.

What is the recruitment process to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

The basic recruitment process of Superintendent of taxes begins from the APSC examination. The Assam Public Service Commission is one of the most reputed constitutional bodies that conducts examinations for various state level government positions which also includes the high ranking administrative roles such as the Assam Civil Service ( ACS) and the Superintendent of Taxes.

The recruitment process occurs in multiple stages:

  1. Notification and Application Process

The APSC board issues a notification about the commencement of application processes along with the total number of vacancies available so as to ensure the candidates are aware of the posts available in which they wish to apply. This notification is usually published in the official website and also among the reputed newspapers.

  1. Preliminary Examination

This is where the official recruitment procedure begins. The preliminary exam is the first stage where candidates have to appear for a written examination also known as Combined Competitive Examination ( CCE).

This Exam Includes

  • General Studies Paper 1: this paper consists of a wide ranging syllabus of different subjects together such as history, geography, polity, economics, general science and environmental issues. This paper tests the candidates assessment capabilities and their overall awareness and knowledge of all subjects.
  • General Studies Paper 2: this paper, which is also referred to as the Civil Services Aptitude Test ( CSAT) tests the candidates skills of logical reasoning, analytical thinking , quantitative analysis and measurements , communication skills, decision making and problem solving and management abilities, etc.

For Prelims

Paper NameSyllabus
General Studies Paper 1History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Environmental Issues, General science
General Studies Paper 2: CSATLogical Reasoning, Quantitative Analysis, Analytical Thinking, Communication and Decision Making Skills
  1. Mains Examination

This is the second stage in order to become superintendent of taxes Assam. Candidates who successfully qualify the first stage are able to apply to the mains exam. This exam again , comprises of 2 papers

  • Essay Paper: this paper tests the candidates ability to put forth a comprehensive assessment of a thorough and well put understanding of any given topic that is asked in the paper with well articulated ideas
  • General Studies Papers: this paper again is comprised of various subjects all together so as to challenge the candidates knowledge and understanding of the subjects.

For mains :

Paper NameSyllabus
Paper 1: Essaythorough and comprehensive assessment of all topics
Papers 2 to 6: General Studies Papers I to Vhistory, polity, economics, geography of Assam, political and administrative of Assam,literature, traditions and history of Assam
  1. Interview

The final and the most crucial stage to become a superintendent of taxes Assam comes in when the candidate gets selected for the final round of interview. This is the make or break position of a candidate that decides their future. This interview is the overall personal assessment of the candidate which gets reviewed by the board of panelists. The final ranking is based on the cumulative results of the written test and the interview all together.

5. Join the Indian Revenue System (IRS)

Once a candidate successfully secures the highest ever score to secure a rank in the IRS, they undergo training at the National Academy of Direct Taxes ( NADT)

6. Career progression at IRS

Once the training session is completed, IRS officers begin their career at the level of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (ACIT).

7. After gaining a few years of experience as an ACIT, an officer is then promoted to the rank of Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax.

8. The next promotion is to Joint Commissioner of Income Tax

9. The next promotion is to Additional Commissioner of Income Tax

10. Then,commissioner of income tax

11. Then,chief commissioner of income tax

12. And finally principal commissioner of income tax

What are the responsibilities of a Superintendent of Taxes?

In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam, one must be able to understand and comprehend the roles and responsibilities that this prestigious position carries with the job.

The superintendent of taxes is responsible for managing and handling the enforcement of various tax laws in the state of Assam. Some of these laws include:

  • Assam Value Added Tax(VAT) Act 2003
  • Central GST Act 1956
  • The Assam Entry Tax 2008,etc

Some of the major duties and responsibilities that comes along in order to become a superintendent of taxes Assam are

  1. Efficient Tax Collection process

The major role of a superintendent of taxes relies on the efficient process of tax collection. There are numerous taxes that fall under the jurisdiction and supervision of the commissioner of taxes such as GST, VAT, excise duties, etc.

2. Assessment of taxes collected

 The role of a tax officer or a superintendent of taxes doesn’t stop at the collection of taxes. They are also responsible for properly allocating, accounting and assessing these taxes procured by businesses and individuals of the state so as to make sure that these taxes are in compliance or agreement with the state and national tax laws.

3. Tax audit and investigations

One of the major duties that come towards one to become superintendent of taxes Assam is the ability to adapt and manage the different aspects of roles that this position requires from an individual. Apart from being in a powerful position to take charge of assessing and collecting taxes, one must also adapt to manage the audit and investigations of taxes as well.

4. Policy and action implementation

In order to become superintendent of taxes Assam one must be prepared to take actions and implement policies as and when required. These implementations are done in order to make sure that tax laws and regulations are being followed all across the state and strict actions are enforced against defaulters wherein punishments are given for violations and crimes with penalties, fines and other legal consequences.

How much is the salary of Superintendent of Taxes Assam?

As per the latest announcements, the total salary of a superintendent of taxes is ₹52,000 per month (approx.). This sum total includes a combination of basic pay and grade pay. In addition to base pay, APSC also offers other allowances that get added up to the total salary.

The APSC Salary structure could be understood with the table below:

Salary DetailsPay (Pay Band 4)
Basic Pay₹42,700 (30,000 + 12,700 Grade Pay)
Dearness Allowance (DA)₹7,259 (17% of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA)₹3,414 (8% of Basic Pay)
Medical, Travel AllowanceAs per government norms and regulations
Approx. In-Hand Salary₹52,000


In order to become Superintendent of Taxes Assam, one must be able to understand the significance of this post and the amount of intense preparation to obtain it.

The superintendent of taxes Assam is one of the most respected and highly regarded position which can be achieved with the right kind of discipline and preparation.

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