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10 mistakes students should avoid in apsc preparation

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Why do some people excel in the APSC exam while others do not?

Firstly, it is Online APSC Preparation critical to keep a study routine. This needs to be consistent and continuous throughout your exam preparations. You should be sure to allot sufficient time for revision. You will need a study buddy – someone who shares similar interests and goals as you. And finally, prepare mentally for the test; this includes getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating properly before the examination day arrives. At present, the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) is a popular career for those who aspire to join public service. With its good salaries and the ability to represent Assam at any international forum, there are many who consider this as their dream job. However, only a highly selected few manage to pass this rigorous examination in the first attempt. The ones who do not succeed usually fail because of lack of planning and mental preparedness – but they may also be victims to lack of motivation or not studying hard enough. Below are common mistakes in APSC preparation
  • Not Studying Hard Enough

    Now, this is a tricky one. If you are not studying hard enough, the temptation to stop and take a break will be too strong for you to resist. The best way to tackle this situation is to have at least four-five sessions of revision every day, until you know it all by heart. This should be used as a guideline, but there are exceptions such as exams which last for two hours, in which case an hour of recollection may suffice.
  • Avoiding Revision

    This applies mostly to those who are good at mathematics or sciences because they tend to have more in-depth knowledge of these subjects. Because of this, they feel they do not need to revise them thoroughly. However, this may lead to procrastination and putting off revision until the last minute. Many students forget what they studied in the beginning. So, if you revise regularly there is no chance to forget what they have read.
  • Not Practising Enough Papers

    This is one of the most common weaknesses in online APSC preparation aspirants and it is related to the first mistake mentioned above which is ‘not studying hard enough’. You must make sure you actually take some time from your study schedule for revision or at least come back to it after some time has passed between practice and exam.
  • Giving Up Too Early

    Studies have shown that if someone is stuck on a problem for an hour, it can take another ten hours to solve. There are many things you may not be able to fully grasp until you do a lot of work on them. Therefore, there is no point in forcing yourself and giving up only after some time has passed.
  • Studying With The Wrong Materials

    There are many resources available now for free online revision material, which will be useful in helping you prepare better for the exam. On the other hand, some might have misleading information. Thus, make sure that you get the right kind of materials and commit to doing as much work as possible on this type of material before sitting for your exam.
  • Losing Confidence

    A person’s confidence is a state of being self-assured or sure about one’s abilities and oneself. People are confident when they feel that their abilities will successfully enable them to reach a desired goal. When people are feeling unconfident, they may start to doubt themselves and their abilities. This can have an impact on how a person acts in certain situations and other people might perceive them differently because of it.
  • Aiming For The Wrong Goal

    This will be something different for different people and it is important that you determine such a thing early on in the preparation process so that you can focus your attention and efforts on the right things from there on out.
  • Not Covering Current Affairs Properly

    Being up to date in Current Affairs is very important for online APSC preparation aspirants. Not reading about Current Affairs or reading from wrong sources will have a negative impact on your result. This is because most questions from online APSC preparation are based on current events. You can follow SPM IAS Academy’s Daily Newspaper analysis on Youtube for daily current affairs here or download the monthly magazine of SPM IAS Academy here:
  • Not Being Balanced
  • It is not as in being off-center. It’s a mental state where you aren’t in balance.You might be unhappy with your life and the choices that you have made, or you’ve lost those synapses to the point where memories of past events are foggy.Aspirants should be in a balanced state. You need to be positive and measured. The APSC exam is not a news hour debate, it is the most challenging exam for students. So, students must be in a balanced state.
Click here for more information  UPSC Institute In Guwahati | UPSC Coaching Centre In Assam | Ethics Paper In UPSC Exams | APSC CCE Syllabus
  • Spending Too Much Time Reading Newspapers

    Reading newspapers is a very important role but it should be done for a limit. Students need to cover the topics in very less time and also need to be selective. There might be some unnecessary topics which are not important in the examination point of view. Students should also maintain notes to gather important points from Newspaper that can be used for revision. In case you are searching for an alternative you can watch SPM IAS Academy’s daily newspaper analysis which includes all important topics from the leading newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express & The Assam tribune combined. You can watch the newspaper analysis for APSC & current affairs for APSC by clicking the link: These are the 10 common mistakes which students should avoid during their APSC preparation, take a good note of them and avoid these mistakes. In order to succeed, you need to have strong determination and work hard with the right guidance. When you put in your efforts nothing is impossible.
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