These are the questions of the English Paper for the Child Development Project Officer under the Women and Child Development Department, Assam (CDPO) 2024 Examination. From this, the aspirant can get an idea about the questions of CDPO Examination.
1. Write an essay in 500 words on any one topic from the choices given below:
(a) The effect of technology on the attention span and memory retention capacity in children
(b) Extreme weather conditions and the response of governments
(c) Man is a product of the environment in which he lives
(d) Conflict impacts the vulnerable, the hardest
2. Write a précis on any one of the following passages:
(a) For tea connoisseurs, the nearly 200 years old Assam variant has a special place that very little else can compete with. From vouching for its health benefits for being packed with antioxidants and minerals that help fight fat, strengthen the immune and digestive systems, as well as keep the heart healthy, those who enjoy their tea can never get enough of the earthy malty flavour of Assam tea. It owes its unique flavour to the place and climate of its origin. From the soil quality to the perfect blend of temperature, rain and farming techniques, it is a delicate balance of natural and man-made factors that give Assam tea its rich aroma and taste. It is this very balance that is under threat now. India is the world’s largest tea-drinking nation and Assam is the country’s largest tea producing State. It accounts for roughly 52 percent of the country’s tea production and 13 percent of the world’s tea. The State is home to around 800 organized tea-estates collectively producing 630-700 million kgs of tea, according to the official data. However rising temperatures and extreme weather events are affecting both the quality and quantity of Assam tea. According to the Centre for Science and Environment Report, “Climate India 2023: An assessment of extreme weather events”, between January 1 and September 30, 2023, Assam reported 48029 hectares of crop area damage. In June alone, 10592 hectares of crop area were affected in Assam. In August, when India experienced heavy rains, floods and landslides, Assam was the worst hit with extreme weather events on 28 days of the month. The impact of extreme weather events is reflected in the decline in tea production. According to the data from the Tea Board in Assam, production volumes decreased to 99-78 million kilograms (mkgs) in August 2023 as against 109-81 mkgs in August 2022. A drop of 9%. This shows that climate change in Assam is hugely impacting the State’s tea industry.
(b) The Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University made a study of life satisfaction among the young. They looked at every dimension of well-being-happiness, health, meaning, character, relationships, financial stability-and found that the age group between 18 and 25 were worse off. The study brought out startling facts that the young who were previously considered to be happier than the older, were in fact worse off. The pandemic COVID-19 rendered social and communal interactions difficult. The study showed disturbing data on well-being. The young, it showed, were not engaging in health behaviours; drug and alcohol use were up; social connectedness was the lowest in the group. The young people also faced a scenario of low job prospects and debt from education were up. Social media too contributed to the decline in well-being. The study revealed that family life and participation in religious communities were also declining and thereby reducing the feeling of well-being. In comparison, for those who were younger before they were happier with a sense of greater opportunity, fewer responsibilities and more opportunities for social connection. They had greater emotional regulation and greater gratitude. The survey hinted that social relationships, health and happiness are interrelated. Economic and health policies must aim at the common good. Rule of law; citizen welfare through education and health care; reducing discrimination and narrowing social inequalities must become priority.
3. Write a report on any one of the following:
(a) Draft a report in the letter format on the preparedness of the District Administration, Kamrup (Metro) in dealing with waterlogging of the city roads during the last week of June 2024.
(b) Write a report after investigating charges that the food provided in the office canteen is of poor quality. Specify your findings, conclusion and recommendations.
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